Permanent Make Up After Care

Permanent make up AFTER CARE instructions

By Maria Wu, Calgary Alberta

Avoid products that contain retinA, salicylic acids, glycolic acids, polysporins and peroxides for 14 days. Use products such as Aquaphor, beeswax, vitamin E, coconut oil or Vaseline

Lips, Eyeliner & Brow Shadowing: The treated area may be 30-50% darker than the target color. It may also be slightly thicker and appear uneven or ‘patchy’

Eyebrow Hairstroke & Scalp: The treated area will be 20% darker than the target color.

Day of Procedure:

Avoid water on the area and excessive sweating. Moisturize with approved products as you please. Apply cold compress to help relieve any swelling or discomfort. You can continue with your daily activities.

Day 2 post treatment:

Avoid water on the area and excessive sweating. Moisturize with approved products as you please. Apply cold compress to help with any swelling or discomfort. You may apply makeup on the area to ‘tone the color down’. Clean make up off area carefully

3-5 days post treatment:

Shower/bath as you would regularly. Avoid rubbing the area and prolong water exposure such as swimming and steam rooms during this time. Moisturize with approved products as you please.

5-7 days post treatment:

The area should be dry and ‘flaky’. Do not to peel or pick at the skin. The surface scabs will begin to peel off on its own. (looks like bits of old make up or fish food flakes)

Once the scabs peel, it is normal for the color to appear too light and uneven.

Wash as you would regularly and keep moisturized. Use make up to even color or shape.

21 days post treatment:

Your skin should be healed and you can see the final results! If you need a touch up, book a 4-8 week touch up appointment.

Micropigmentation treatments should be considered a multi-session process. Be prepared that you may need more than one session to achieve the desired outcome.

thank you for your trust in me!


  • Healing times vary depending on the individual and the specific procedure. Typically, it takes about 7 days for the initial scabby healing process. However, complete healing can take a month.

  • During the initial healing period, you may experience some redness, swelling, and tenderness in the treated area. Scabbing and flaking are also common as the skin heals. It's important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your technician to ensure proper healing.

  • You may wear clean and new makeup. Though it is generally recommended to avoid wearing makeup on the treated area during the initial healing period to prevent infection and irritation. Once the skin has fully healed, you can resume wearing makeup as usual, but be gentle when applying and removing makeup to avoid disrupting the pigment.

  • Follow the aftercare instructions provided above, which typically include keeping the treated area clean and dry, avoiding exposure to water, sun, and harsh chemicals, and applying ointment or lip balm as recommended.

  • It's best to avoid prolonged exposure to water, including swimming and hot tubs, during the initial healing period, typically for the first week or as advised by your technician. Quick showers are usually permitted, but it's important to keep the treated area (out of water) as much as possible.

  • Touch-ups may be necessary to achieve the desired results or to refresh the color over time as the pigment fades. Typical return time is between 1 - 1.5 years

  • To ensure proper healing and long-lasting results, avoid picking or scratching the treated area, exposing it to direct sunlight, using exfoliating products, and applying makeup or skincare products that contain harsh chemicals or acids.

  • To extend the longevity of your permanent makeup, protect the treated area from sun exposure by wearing sunscreen and avoiding prolonged exposure to chlorine, saltwater, and other harsh elements. Additionally, follow a good skincare routine to keep your skin healthy and hydrated.




Enhancing Women's Health through Pessary Care at MAUD Medical Clinic in Calgary